Getting cheap airfares is a tricky task. We’ve seen rates that blow our mind as to how the airline can possibly make a profit, and we’ve also seen some rates that leave us wondering how the airlines can get away with charging so much.

Luckily for us at Traveltrust, we’re experts at finding the best possible fares. Our agents do magical things when it comes to sensing just where to grab those little deals.. And, because we’re kind, we’re going to share three tips that might just help you in the future!

Book in Advance, like, WAY in advance

If you don’t know about airline classes, imagine it like seats at a theatre, you’ve got a portion of cheap seats and each rank of seats gets more expensive. Naturally, the cheaper ones sell out first, then as each set fills up, the seats leftover become more and more expensive.

And that’s the same with airline seats… the cheapest ones are available first, and they go quickly. Different airlines release their flights at different times – generally ranging from 9 months to a year – so be sure to do your research.

The farther in advance you book, the better your savings will normally be. Whilst this can be difficult for business travellers with last minute meetings etc. If you know you’re going to be travelling to a convention or event down the road – get in early and save valuable bucks!

Be flexible

This is another one that isn’t easy to do if you have a last minute business meeting – BUT, flexibility can be key in getting the best deal for flights. Sometimes by slightly adjusting your travel dates or times, you can save hundreds of pounds.

For leisure destinations in particular, we’ve found that Fridays especially tend to be busier and thus more expensive, so check the middle of the week and you might just find an amazing deal waiting to be booked.

Use an agent

Okay, we know this one sounds like propaganda, and it kind of is, but it’s truthful propaganda. Agents are trained to use countless tips and tricks that really can secure the best deals.

Not only that, but because they are searching flights day in and day out, they already know where to look, so they can get you these deals FAST. And, they also get preferential rates because they have access to special bulk deals with the airlines.

Overall it doesn’t hurt to use all the methods above, and a good Travel Management Company (*cough* Traveltrust *cough*) should offer free quotations with no contract tie-ins so you can always make sure you are getting the best possible deal.

For more information shoot us over an email at [email protected]