A few months ago, we brought you the two biggest reasons to use a TMC (refresher: TMC = Travel Management Company). Unfortunately, we had to cut out plenty more reasons that make having a TMC a worthwhile, smart (we’d go as far to say genius, but then, we would) move.

Well, we’ve decided to give you the lowdown on two more excellent reasons to use a TMC:


Reports, whilst not as thrilling as the latest Lee Child novel, (or EL James for the racier of you) are essential in being able to monitor your company’s travel spend.

Being able to track every element of your company’s travel helps to pinpoint places you can save money – for example If Joe Bloggs refuses to fly on anyone but BA, but BA is 3 times more expensive than his other options, then you know a little more encouragement could be sent Joe’s way to help save the company money in the long run.

Reports with TMC’s can be as vast or as detailed as you want. At Traveltrust, we offer over 600+ types of reports – we’re even able to customise reports based on your own personal needs and requirements. We can offer detailed quarterly or semi-annual reports that summarise plenty of in-depth data, including air, hotel and car spend, savings attained, emissions and so many more. The data for these reports is also available online and accessibile 24/7. With this access you can run any of those 600 reports when you want, and read them all night long!

Mileage Management

Who doesn’t love a freebie? For decades, airlines have tried to gain customer loyalty by offering points that can then be exchanged for upgrades or discounts for any trips booked. What many companies don’t realise, however, is that the airlines also offer corporate versions of this programme to reward companies as well as the individual travellers.

The beauty of these programmes are that the miles are in addition to the personal miles that the traveller ears, so everyone wins! The one tricky part can be managing the miles, and making sure all your travellers remember to quote your corporate account number when booking. This can be time consuming and end up being not as cost effective as you’d hoped.

Luckily a TMC can streamline this process for you. At Traveltrust, our booking systems automatically add both the personal mileage account number and the corporate account number to the ticket, so no points are ever missed. We also keep an eye on your totals, and can let you know when free upgrades or free tickets are available so you can continue to save money.

To learn more about any of the above get in touch with us at [email protected]